Beginners Course

We are thrilled to announce the availability of Archery Beginners Courses at our indoor range at Preston Grasshoppers Rugby Football Club!
Beginners courses will be made up of 6x 1 hour sessions and can be arranged to a timetable that suits you, across Sunday, Monday or Thursdays when we have use of the range.
On this 6 weeks beginners course you will learn everything you need to attend any club on your own:
Week 1: Range Safety, Basics of shooting using a recurve bow with a sight.
Week 2: Setting up the range and how to improve your form.
Week 3: Choosing and Assembling your equipment.
Week 4: Shooting barebow.
Week 5: Scoring
Week 6: You will run the range on your own, demonstrating everything you have learned, and receive your certificate of completion.
If this is something you’re interested in please get in touch to discuss fees and time-table arrangements.

Check availability and book your place